Did you know seaturtles can't live in dirty beach? Yes, they can't. They can't dig a sand wich is full of trash, so, they can't bury their eggs. If they can't bury their eggs, they can't maintain their offspring. Seaturtles don't like crowds, so, females return to the beach where they hatched at night. After the hole is dug, the female then starts filling the nest with a clutch of soft-shelled eggs one by one.
It can be realize if the beach is clean. What if not? Seaturtles be endangered. This is happened in Samas Beach, Bantul. It is the ONLY ONE place where the seaturtles lifes in Yogyakarta. And the beach, really really dirty.
Full of trash it is?
30th December 2012, I'm with my forum, Indonesian Social Justice Network (ISJN), do visited to Samas Beach. We were helped Sahabat Samudera reiSPIRASI, Rally for Seaturtles Samas Beach Indonesia (organisation from Samas Beach), to clean up the beach.
ISJN big family.
See seaturtles breeding.
We cleaned up the beach.
After cleaned up the beach. We made handmade from trash we brought from the beach. I made an butterfly. :D We made it from plastic bottles, sandals (flip-flop), and other stuff.
This is a bonus picture:
I decided to do something about seaturtles in Samas Beach! Will you? :)
This is a bonus story:
"Hari terakhir, kami bergegas ke Pantai Samas dan melakukan berbagai aktifitas, seperti melihat perkembangan penyu, beach clean up, dan pengolahan sampah pantai. Saya yang baru pertama kali ke sana awalnya kaget dengan banyaknya sampah yang berserakan. Maka, dari sanalah saya makin sadar, bahwa memang mau tidak mau, kita harus bersedia untuk membersihkannya demi kebaikan kita pula, jika bukan kita, siapa lagi?"
- Ayunda Nisa Chaira
So? Visit Samas Beach, Bantul, Indonesia, and help our friends Sahabat Samudera reiSSPIRASI for clean up the beach and SAVE THE SEATURTLES! :)
Brilliant!! Clean up the beach to save seaturtles